Get to Know Us

The Best Agriculture Market

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There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form by injected humor or random word which don’t look even.

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Get to Know Us

Chairman's Message

Satisfying our key stakeholders with optimum quality production process while improving marginalized communities in Sri Lanka.

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Get to know us

Chairman's Message

Satisfying our key stakeholders with optimum quality production process while improving marginalized communities in Sri Lanka.
Gayan Duwlagala

Company Overview

The head office and primary plant of D.G. Substrates (Private) Limited are located in Thambuththegama in the Anuradhapuara district, which consists of the country’s most underprivileged communities and is therefore an ideal location for the business. D.G Substrates (Private) Limited manufactures and exports coco pith, coco fiber, and coco chips, with coco pith being the company’s primary product. Mr. S.W.G Daulagala, a young entrepreneur with strong business views, launched the company in 2002. The firm began with two employees installing machinery at a minor rice mill.

By 2017, the company had become one of the largest Coco Peat (Coir Pith) manufacturing facilities in Sri Lanka. Currently, the factory consists of newly constructed infrastructure with well-equipped machines, vehicles, material depots, a five-acre drying floor, a Quality Control Laboratory, and numerous other facilities. The company’s total floor space is 5 Acres. Approximately 150 employees make a living here. The facility operates 24 hours a day with the most advanced processing technology and has the largest network of raw material suppliers.

Our Vision

To be the world’s leading sustainable coco substrates provider.

Our Mission

To build long term relationships with our customers and agents and provide exceptional customers services by pursuing business through innovation and effective stakeholder communication.


We innovate new products and services to increase productivity, product quality, sustainability, yield, and reduce waste.


We care about the environment and are determined to help you expand your business in a sustainable manner.

Quality and Reliability

D.G Substrates (Private) Limited’s primary objective is to achieve 100 percent customer satisfaction by providing superior products.

Nature Friendly

Our products are 100% nature friendly and are made from 100% natural products of Coconut Husk.

Download Our Business Profile Here

D.G.Substrates (Private) Limited has steady evolved over the last two decades to be a leading provider of advanced solutions for horticulture, home and garden, pet care and environment technologies.



+ 94 76 457 0350
Head Office
Battramulla, Sri Lanka